3 Ways to Gain Real-Time Visibility and Better ROI

3 Ways to Gain Real-Time Visibility and Better ROI

June 11, 2024

We’ve all been there before: your project ran over budget, and you blew past your deadline. You didn’t have a way to see if the project was on track with your financial goals because your data was unreliable. 

To make matters worse, you made the wrong call with how to move forward. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can achieve real-time visibility into the cost of work and empower your teams to make confident, well-informed decisions so that you deliver work on time and on budget. 

Get Visibility Into the Cost of Work Without Disrupting Teams

Contrary to what any big consulting firm will tell you, you don’t need major business transformation to turn raw data into actionable insights. Achieving enterprise visibility is about implementing practical solutions that drive big impact and help you establish a data-driven culture.

Let's explore a few steps your business can take to demonstrate cost transparency and enhance your enterprise strategy and planning processes:

1. Properly Configure Your Enterprise Planning Tools

Connecting work execution to strategy ensures that all efforts across the enterprise align with the organization's overarching goals. Enterprise planning tools like Jira Align can help bridge the gap between strategic planning and day-to-day execution by providing teams with business intelligence on prioritizing work, capacity planning, and reallocating funds.

Jira Align is a powerful platform, but it’s not plug-and-play. You must properly configure Jira Align to support your needs and sync it with Jira Software so that your teams can access the quality data they need to make smart decisions.  

2. Aggregate Data in a Meaningful Way

Businesses today are overloaded with information, but collecting data from different sources is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in aggregating this data in a meaningful way, and the best way to address this is by unleashing your Big Dashboard Energy.

By consolidating data from disparate systems into a single-pane-of-glass dashboard, you gain a holistic view of how your teams are executing against your plans. You can also curate your dashboards with real-time enterprise intelligence that provides executives with the clarity they need to make confident decisions. Tapping into your Big Dashboard Energy gives you the confidence to make informed business decisions and make sure you are getting the right stuff done.

3. Align Teams with Insights

Data alone is not enough; it must be converted into actionable insights. Effective collaboration among teams is essential for providing context and interpreting data correctly. 

With the right data and understanding, your teams can have the right conversations that lead to organizational alignment and better business decisions about resource allocation, capacity management, and strategic planning.

Never Let a Project Run Over Budget Again

To learn more about data aggregation and improved decision-making, watch our on-demand webinar featuring Principal Solutions Architect Amanda Babb and Principal Consultant Michiko Quinones. They'll share insights on how to:

  • Connect execution to strategy with enterprise planning tools, including Jira Align. 
  • Consolidate data from different systems into a single-pane-of-glass dashboard for enhanced decision-making.
  • Collaborate effectively, turning raw data into actionable insights for strategic clarity and cost transparency.
On-Demand Webinar

Real-Time Visibility Into the Cost of Work

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