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Achieve Instant Answers from Service Teams with AI

Adam Rothenberger

It's a Great Time to Invest in AI for Business

Businesses everywhere are rapidly adopting Artificial Intelligence technologies. Companies like OpenAI, Google, and Meta are leading the charge on their development, but how much of the AI revolution is just marketing noise and what's practical for businesses? On the surface, the likes of ChatGPT appear to work like the average chatbot, which has been around since the mid 1960s, but if you look into how AI technology has evolved it's easy to understand why now is a great time to invest in AI enhancements, especially for ITSM teams.

In This Article, You'll learn:

  • About the state of AI tools for business
  • How Atlassian Intelligence works to help you move work
  • How Praecipio Intelligence for JSM can provide instant answers for customers directly from your JSM Portal
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